看看我们2023年7月可能影响您业务的税务发展快照, investments or superannuation. Please do not hesitate to 澳门官方赌场 should you need further advice.
Key 税 considerations this 税 time
With the new financial year upon us, 现在是时候整理和准备纳税申报表号码和记录了,这里有一些关键的考虑事项.
Working from home deductions
而不是, you can now claim deductions using the revised fixed-rate method, at a rate of 67 cents per hour, 只要你在真正在家工作的同时承担了可扣除的费用, and keep appropriate records, like timesheets for your 工作 hours and receipts for the expenses.
If your 工作 from home doesn’t meet these conditions, 你将不能依靠固定利率的方法,将需要计算和分摊实际费用. 你也可以简单地选择实际支出法,如果它更适合你的情况.
The fixed-rate method covers 工作-related costs like electricity/gas, 文具, your mobile/landline phone and internet. 如果你使用固定税率法,你就不能为这些类别申请额外的扣除额. Depreciation of furniture and equipment (eg if you buy a desk, 计算机和打印机的工作)可以单独计算(和额外)固定的利率.
Rental properties and holiday homes
重要的是要记住,ATO从共享经济平台等来源接收信息, 租赁债券机构和州及地区税务当局,使其能够发现少报澳门官方赌场和不适当的扣除索赔.
Temporary full expensing
自2020年以来,根据临时全额费用减免可获得的符合条件的折旧业务资产成本的即时扣除已经结束. To access the concession, 您的企业必须在2023年6月30日之前已经使用了折旧资产.
2023年7月1日起, 对于资产成本低于20美元的小型企业实体(总营业额低于1000万美元),将只适用于立即扣除,000.
Loss carry-back for corporate 税 entities
Deductions for superannuation contributions
让雇主有权扣除退休金缴款, the contribution must be received by the fund on or before 30 June. The super guarantee contribution rate increased to 10.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings from 1 July 2022.
Stay alert for 税 time scams
联邦政府警告说,在我们进入2023年纳税期之际,骗子会瞄准澳门赌场官网人. The number of scam reports received to date this year has topped 19,843 and impersonation scams are becoming increasingly commonplace. These scams typically consist of unsolicited contact through SMS, 电子邮件, or on social media offering refunds or help to solve 税 issues. The ATO recommends not engaging with any unsolicited contact, 尽快结束任何对话,并独立查找ATO的号码以启动澳门赌场官网,以验证任何通信是真实的.
税务诈骗通常涉及冒充ATO获取个人信息或索取非法付款. The common tricks 税 scammers are using recently include:
- 在社交媒体上冒充ATO,并提出帮助个人解决税务和超级问题, 哪些要求个人提交个人信息,如税号, 出生日期, 的名字, 地址等;
- 以虚假退税引诱毫无戒心的个人提供个人信息;
- initiating conversations via phone, social media private messages, 电子邮件和短信, 试图通过包括威胁和恐吓在内的各种手段使个人尽可能长时间地参与, offers to help and so on, to either collect personal information or solicit payment.
许多骗子会使用欺骗技术在来电显示或通话记录中显示真实的ATO或澳门赌场官网电话号码. The ATO’s genuine calls will be in fact be shown as No Caller ID. The ATO will also never insist on a conference call with a third party, not even your own 税 agent or law enforcement officers.
In terms of SMS and 电子邮件s, 税务局绝对不会透过这些渠道,向阁下发出未经索取的讯息,要求阁下退回个人识别资料. It also does not send links or attachments for you to open or download.
If you think you may have fallen victim to a scam, you should contact your bank or financial institution, make an official report to local police, 并通过ATO的电话热线或其特定的诈骗电子邮件地址报告骗局.
提示:ATO现在有一个专门的团队来监控查询并帮助那些成为骗子受害者的纳税人. 您可以在ATO的官方网站上查找和使用ATO的电话号码和其他澳门赌场官网方式, www.ato.政府.au.
Small business lodgement amnesty: reminder
ATO提醒符合条件的小企业纳税人利用最近在2023-2024年联邦预算中宣布的申报罚款大赦计划. The amnesty applies to 税 obligations covering income 税 returns, 原应在2019年12月1日至2022年2月28日之间到期的业务活动报表或炉膛温度报表. 与应税付款报告(TPAR)系统相关的退休金义务和处罚不包括在该计划的一部分. The amnesty is running for the period 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2023.
To be eligible for the amnesty, 你的小企业在最初的申报到期时的年营业额必须少于1000万美元, 并在特赦期内提交相关过期的表格和申报表.
在宽免期内,你的合资格企业在何处递交有关逾期的表格及申报表, 任何相关的未能提交(FTL)罚款将主动免除-您不需要单独申请减免.
Although FTL penalties will be remitted, ATO强调,没有其他行政处罚或一般利息费用(GIC)金额将作为大赦的一部分被免除. So, 有现有债务或因迟交而累积新债务的企业,仍可对这些债务申请GIC.
ATO还鼓励不属于特赦范围的企业提交任何逾期的表格或申报表,以避免被归类为“未积极参与税务系统”。, which is a red flag that may lead to other action. While FTL and other penalties may apply to those businesses, ATO将考虑独特的情况,并可能逐案减免处罚.
对于因纳税活动而产生债务的企业,ATO有一系列的支持选择, including payment plans, 税收债务的妥协, or deferring repayments.
“Buy now pay later” sector facing more regulation
正如去年所预示的那样,“先买后付”(BNPL)市场将很快面临更多监管. 助理财政部长Stephen Jones最近宣布,政府将推进将BNPL纳入信贷法案的应用范围,为BNPL产品应用量身定制的负责任贷款义务.
2022年末, 联邦政府发表了一份咨询文件,就监管BNPL市场的方案征求意见. 该文件概述了三种日益严格的监管BNPL市场的选择, consisting of: strengthening the BNPL industry code plus an affordability test; limited BNPL regulation under the Credit Act; or full regulation under the Credit Act.
Consultation has since ended, 助理财政部长宣布,政府将推进法律改革,根据《澳门赌场官网》引入有限的BNPL监管, 对BNPL产品适用定制版本的负责任贷款义务,以便BNPL提供商必须持有澳门赌场官网信贷许可证或作为被许可人的代表,并要求遵守大多数一般义务, including internal/external dispute resolution, 困难的规定, compensation arrangements and marketing rules.
Under the proposed changes, 提供者将被要求评估信贷是否不适合个人, 并且在没有消费者明确指示的情况下,禁止提高消费者的支出限额. 对未付款或逾期付款的收费设定收费上限, combined with additional warning and disclosure requirements. 向消费者提供BNPL产品的商家不需要成为BNPL提供商的授权信用代表.
未来几个月,政府将与行业和消费者团体协商,敲定潜在立法的细节. 立法草案预计将于今年晚些时候公布以征求意见, 最终的法案预计将于今年年底提交议会.
Minimum pension payment changes
这一临时措施是上届联邦政府为应对COVID-19大流行采取的措施之一, which was negatively impacting super and pension/annuity balances.
以个人名义持有的超级账户支付的大部分澳门官方赌场都是基于账户的养老金. These pensions are required to meet minimum standards, 包括在养老金开始发放后,不能使用供款或展期金额来增加支持养老金的资本, and paying a minimum amount at least once a year.
在一般情况下, 最低付款额须每年至少支付一次,并由受益人的年龄和每年7月1日的帐户余额决定. 例如, 65岁至74岁的人将需要应用5%的标准百分比因子来计算2023-2024年的最低养老金金额.
While the minimum annual payments are mandated, there are no maximum annual payments, 除了过渡到退休养老金外,退休金在每个财政年度开始时的最高年度支付限额为账户余额的10%. 这意味着退休人员可以领取超过最低养老金支付额的养老金, which may be especially welcome given the current cost of living pressures.
Tip: With the cost of living going up every day, 你可能会发现你的退休金安排不再适合你的生活方式. 立即澳门官方赌场,我们可以根据您的情况帮助您制定最佳策略.